
Integrate Symfony and Webpack

Asset Management in Symfony2 is handled with the PHP based library Assetic by default, however I have never really connected to this library and at least for me it usually wastes more time than it saves.

I am also not a big fan of the Node.JS based stack, because it tends to fail alot for me as well. With teams that primarily consist of PHP developers and web-designers the transition to use Node.JS tools should be very conservative in my opinion. Each team member should not feel overburdend by this new technology stack.

Frontend development is really not my strong suit, so these first steps I document here may seem obvious to some readers.

While researching about React.JS I came across
a tool called Webpack which you could compare to Symfony's Assetic. It is primarily focussing on bundling Javascript modules, but you can also ship CSS assets with it.

The real benefits for Webpack however are:

  1. the builtin support for AMD or CommonJS style module loaders
  2. a builtin development web-server that runs on a dedicated port, serving your combined assets.
  3. a hot reloading plugin that automatically refreshes either the full page or just selected code when the assets change.
  4. module loaders that allow instant translation of JSX or other languages with Javascript transpilers (CoffeeScript, ...)

Let's have a look at a simple example javascript application in app.js requiring jQuery. The code is part of the Symfony2 document root in web/:


Then we can use AMD-style modules to resolve the dependencies in our code:

// app.js
define(['./vendor/jquery.js'], function($) {
    $(document).ready(function() {
        $("#content").html("Webpack Hello World!");

You can compare this to PHPs require() and autoloading functionality, something that Javascript has historically been lacking and usually leads to javascript files with many thousands lines of code. You can also use CommonJS-style module loading if your prefer this approach.

The downside of adding this functionality is that your code always has to run through Webpack to work on the browser. But Webpack solves this geniously by including a web-server that does the translation for you in the background all the time. With a little help of a configuration file called webpack.config.js

// webpack.config.js
module.exports = {
    entry   : "./web/js/app.js",
    output: {
        filename: "bundle.js",
        path : 'web/assets/',
        publicPath : '/assets/',

we can start our assets development server by calling:

$ webpack-dev-server --progress --colors --port 8090 --content-base=web/

This will start serving the combined javascript file at http://localhost:8090/assets/bundle.js as well as the asset page.css at http://localhost:8090/css/page.css by using the --content-base flag. Every change to any of the files that are part of the result will trigger a rebuild similar to the --watch flag of Assetic, Grunt or Gulp.

Webpack can be installed globally so it is easy to get started with. I find this a huge benefit not having to require a package.json and Node+npm workflow for your PHP/Symfony project.

$ sudo npm install -g webpack

For integration into Symfony we make use of some Framework configuration to change the base path used for the {{ asset() }} twig-function:

# app/config/config.yml
    assets_base_url: "%assets_base_url%"

# app/config/parameters.yml
  assets_base_url: "http://localhost:8090"

This adds a base path in front of all your assets pointing to the Webpack dev server.

The only thing left for integration is to load the javascript file from your twig layout file:

        <div id="content"></div>

        {% if app.environment == "dev" %}
        <script src="{{ asset('webpack-dev-server.js') }}"></script>
        {% endif %}
        <script type="text/javascript" src="{{ asset('assets/bundle.js') }}"></script>

The webpack-dev-server.js file loaded only in development environment handles the hot module reload exchanging, adding, or removing modules while an application is running without a page reload whenever possible.

For production use the assets_base_url parameter has to be adjusted to your specific needs and you use the webpack command to generate a minified and optimized version of your javascript code.

$ webpack
Hash: 69657874504a1a1db7cf
Version: webpack 1.6.0
Time: 329ms
    Asset   Size  Chunks             Chunk Names
bundle.js  30533       0  [emitted]  main
   [2] ./web/js/app.js 1608 {0} [built]
   [5] ./web/js/vendor/jquery.js 496 {0} [built]

It will be placed inside web/assets/bundle.js as specified by the output configuration in the Webpack configuration. Getting started in production is as easy as seting the assets base url to null and pushing the bundle.js to your production server.

I hope this example shows you some of the benefits of using Webpack over Assetic, Grunt or Gulp and the simplicity using it between development and production. While the example is Symfony2 related, the concepts apply to any kind of application.

Back to why I stumbled over Webpack in the first place: React.JS. I have been circling around React for a while with the impression that is extremly well-suited for frontend development. The problems I had with React where purely operation/workflow based:

  1. React encourages modular design of applications, something that you have to get working first using require.js for example.
  2. Differentation between development (refresh on modify) and production assets (minified).
  3. React uses a template language JSX that requires cross-compiling the *.jsx files they are written in into plain javascript files.

Now this blog post has already shown that Webpack solves points one and two, but it also solves the JSX Transformation with some extra configuration in webpack.config.js:

// webpack.config.js
module.exports = {
    entry: './web/js/app.jsx',
    output: {
        filename: 'bundle.js',
        path: 'web/assets/',
        publicPath: '/assets'
    module: {
        loaders: [
            { test: /\.jsx$/, loader: 'jsx-loader?insertPragma=React.DOM&harmony' }
    externals: {'react': 'React'},
    resolve: {extensions: ['', '.js', '.jsx']}

Now it is trivally easy to use React, just create a file with the *.jsx extension and Webpack will automatically load it through Facebooks JSX transformer before serving it as plain javascript. The only requirement is that you have to install the NPM package jsx-loader.

So far I have used webpack only for two playground projects, but I am very confident integrating it into some of my production projects now.

Published: 2015-02-26 Tags: #Symfony #Webpack #Javascript