
On Publishing Webservices within MVC Frameworks

Webservices are a very important part in today's enterprise applications. They tie applications of different age or programming languages together or allow applications of different subcontracters to speak to each other. Because they use HTTP, a stateless network protocol, considerable overhead floods the pipes when you use them, which should be minimized.

Martin Fowler writes in his PEAA book, that if you have the option not to use distributed objects (which are implemented via webservice) you should not distribute them. Considerable effort has to be brought into keeping complex webservices performant.

Still people make mistakes about webservices all the time (me included for example proposing a dispatcher for the ZF that could be used for webservices).

When people report problems with the Zend Soap component they often post a stripped down example that involes their webservice being instantiated within a controller. This is a very bad decision based on different arguments:

  • Dispatching overhead: Dispatching, Routing, Pre- and Postfiltering is costly in all frameworks. You give up the performance of having numerous PHP scripts that act as controller on their own. You get centralized filtering, authentication and other benefits. But those benefits generally do not aply to XML, JSON or SOAP requests, because you cannot parse them or access their properties. You give up the performance of a page controller for webservices to gain mostly nothing.
  • HTTP Request uselessness: Web frameworks work with HTTP request objects. The request of webservices facilitates HTTP to act as a far more complex request. No framework I know off, allows to work with the webservice requests outside the Webservice handler. What a SOAP or XML-RPC request does in your MVC is only get passed through numerous costly stages that offer no benefit, before it hits the target. Only the parsing of HTTP-Headers might offer additional benefit, but the gain is low, since they are available to PHP scripts at no cost.
  • Webservices already seperate concerns: Take the PHP SOAPServer as an example. It is an MVC application on its own, the controlling aspect of the SOAPServer parses the SOAP Request and sends it to the model, a class given by the user, which in turn works and returns the result as an SOAP Response View. You have to decouple model and view for a webservice handler otherwise it would generate invalid responses. Why nest a perfectly separated operation into another one? You gain no more of this additional separation, except performance decrease.

So what are good practices to implement webservices?

  • Use a page controller that generates no MVC overhead. In context of the Zend Framework: Add a new php script to your web root and add a new route into your .htaccess file that redirectes the desired location of the webservice to the script that overwrites the standard catch-all incoming requests to the front controller script.
  • Use the proxy pattern and the invaluable __call() method to implement wrapper objects for authentication and session management of the webservice. These classes can easily be reused by all webservice page controllers of your site. If you do your homework you can even share parts of these objects inside your Web-MVC application to keep the code DRY. Those proxies keep authentication logic out of your service class.
  • Use the remote facade pattern to implement a few, powerful methods that delegate the service request to underlying domain objects. Never ever publish direct access to domain objects with your webservices. As a rule of thumb, talking to a webservice during a logical operation should never involve more than one or two calls. The first call is for data fetching, the second for data saving. Authentication should be handled via HTTP Authentication to save an additional call.

If you follow these simple rules, you should get around the performance issues that generally come with webservices, without loosing flexibility at all.

Published: 2009-01-12 Tags: #ApplicationDesign