
Dependency Injection via Interface in PHP: An example

Personal projects and work currently both force me to think about application design and I came across dependency injection the other day. Its quite a complex Design Pattern and hard to grasp, even with the number of examples you can find in the internet. Basically Dependency Injection means you register components that might be a dependency for other components and when loading new classes via the dependency injection framework, it knows of this relationships and assembles the object in need and all its dependencies and returns them fully initialized. This pattern leads to completely encapsulated objects where any class in the object graph can be exchanged for a new implementation without breaking all its dependencies. It also makes testing complex components and object relationships very easy.

As far as I could find out, three different types of Dependency Injection implementations exist: Via Constructor, via Setter and via Interfaces. There exist implementations of Dependency Injection for Java (Spring) that are configured via XML config files and seem very complex. They are also hard to read in code I presume, since you always have to be aware of the current application configuration. There are also some more lightweight implementations (PicoContainer) that assemble their relationships in the application and work with config methods that act as configuration of the dependencies. Martin Folwer also discusses an implementation via interfaces, which seems most accessible for me.

All PHP clones of any dependency injection framework seem to go the complex way via configuration though. With traits and multiple class inheritance on the horizon, some kind of interface injection seems mighty powerful though. So I implemented a really lightweight implementation of Interface Dependency Injection for PHP. The Container works with static method only, is therefore in the global scope, such that configuration is reduced to a minimum. Generally you have to write interfaces for object injection, for example:

interface InjectDbAdapter
    public function injectDbAdapter(Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract $db);

Other potential examples include "InjectLogger", "InjectSoapClient", or "InjectAppConfig". You then have to register a component for usage with this interface:

Whitewashing_Container::registerComponent('InjectDbAdapter', Zend_Db::factory($dbConfig));

Now any class that implements the InjectDbAdapter interface can be instantiated via:

$obj = Whitewashing_Container::load('Class');

and the loader takes care of calling the 'Class' implementation of injectDbAdapter with the given Database Adapter. A negative consequence of this approach is that you have to implement the inject methods for all interfaces in your concrete class implementations. With Traits (multiple class inheritance) being a new feature in PHP soon, injection via parent classes seems to become a very powerful approach though, which can handle the concrete implementations.

The Container takes care of all the dependency building, so when testing your components you can register lots of mock objects. You can also exchange dependencies for only a subset of objects very easily. I implemented a method "Whitewashing_Container::registerClassComponent", which registers a dependency component that is used with higher priority in construction of the given class. You can also specify a third parameter $localInterfaceOverride for the highest priority:

$obj = Whitewashing_Container::load('Class', null, array('InjectDbAdapter' => $newDbAdapter));

Speedwise the usage of the Container reduces class instantiation by about 50%, from 0.5 sec for 10000 classes with setting dependencies to 1 sec on my machine. But naturally only classes with dependencies and lots of them should be using this mechanism and with good application design, this shouldn't be to many. You can download Container and Example sourcecode, to take a look. Currently this Container is not really creating new dependencies for each new class generation but rather inverts the usage of a registry. It should be an easy task to extend the registering method to decide between new class generation and using the globally registered class instance.

Published: 2008-09-20 Tags: #DependencyInjection